Even if you’ve found your dream job, where the line between work and doing what you love is practically erased, the need to decompress after those extra stressful days is always gonna be there. Keeping your head on straight is crucial, and these after-hours activities are perfect for looking after your mental well being.
Co-Workers Make the Best Companions
Your co-workers can also be some seriously awesome friends, and it shouldn’t be a surprise to find out that they’re looking to escape the stresses of work just like you! At the office, going out to lunch as a group gives you the chance to see what’s going on in your colleague’s lives. Or if you’re in a coworking office space, it’s the perfect way to meet new people and expand your social circle! Even if it’s something you’d normally do alone, taking a breather with the people you work with can take the weight off your shoulders a dozen times better.
Travel Travel Travel!

Your vacation days are accruing, accruing, accruing. Even if you take just a day, your work isn’t going anywhere. If you decide to head out of town, make sure you include a mix of activities. Be a tourist one day and see all the landmarks that you’ve seen in the movies. The next day, take the road less traveled and explore the natural environment, away from big towns and cities. Head out on an adventure somewhere that isn’t in the brochures. Getting in touch with nature is like a reset button for your mental well being, and there’s nothing that inspires and refreshes your drive quite like time away from the familiar. And speaking of which…
Forests and Gardens and Nature, Oh My!

When maintaining a work/life balance it helps to escape the confines of an office and head back into nature. Whether you live near a forest, desert, coast, river, or mountains, don’t let them serve as just a background. The plants and foliage that grow within the region naturally purify the air, so you can breathe easier. And if you find somewhere that’s less traveled, it puts you even more at one with nature with fewer people around to distract. Hiking can be a revolutionary hobby, and it does wonders for your health. Even the briefest of hikes can do a lot to improve your mental well being.
Everyone Needs a Hobby!

Having something to regularly look forward to outside of work is a phenomenal motivator. A hobby can take your mind off of deadlines and crunches. If you’re the active type, search online for local sports teams. Or if you have something to share with the world, making online videos could be your jam! Love animals? Puppy therapy is never a bad thing, and volunteering at a pet shelter could enrich your life and the lives of so many furry friends.
Most Importantly… Leave Your Work at Home!
When work is life, it’s far too tempting to bring your work with you, even when you’re off the clock. An email here or a text there can’t hurt while you’re out, right? Well, if you don’t want to be called out as that one friend who’s always on their phone, then don’t be that one friend who’s always on their phone! Like a faithful dog, your work will be there when you get back. Reclaim your life back, and get out – enjoy yourself!
Working hard is a good thing. But there’s some truth to the “hardly working” part as well. It’s not irresponsible to break away from your desk. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. You prevent exhaustion and provide your body with a much-needed distraction from responsibility. Don’t be one of those people that feed off stress. It almost never works. Treat yourself right, look after your mental well being, and you’ll be more productive than ever.